During the Fall of 2009, Prof. Yves M. Larocque and his students decided to put up a show of the works that would be produced in class (010F Resource) in the course of two semesters. In March 2010, the paintings were finally ready to be shown. This whole experience became a collective effort putting together all the students’ talents: writing, translating, editing, food preparation, graphic design, photography, finance, media, etc. Out of this astonishing output, a catalogue (see blurb link below) and a very short movie (see also link below), but most important of all, strong ties among everyone. What follows is an excerpt of the catalogue.
“I am very proud to be able to introduce to you students uncommonly gifted in seeing otherwise—something no System can accomplish. You can call them artists without borders, who cross over at will and who prefer the transversal to the linear—what no System can contemplate. Indeed, have art courses ever been given by organized government? In the course of their reinvention, some students cry out, others murmur and some stammer-— this is what happens when one flies beyond the physical and mental boundaries of one’s known geography: streams become torrents. These painters are not afraid to tell stories – their stories-—because, don’t forget, only stories and magic unite us.”
The show took place at La Nouvelle-Scène in Ottawa (Canada). More than 300 people attended the opening, making this event the most popular vernissage of the year in the nation’s capital.
The catalogue > http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/invited/715189/4693da96e14b1ffd00c61fe068f0b4ea
The movie re-inventio > http://www.youtube.com/icscis
The course >https://walkthearts.com/_icscis/workshops_calendar.shtml