Sofonisba Anguissola (1530–1625), born in Cremona into an aristocratic family, the best known of six painter sisters. She trained with Bernardino Campi and Gatti. Due to the constraints imposed on women of her time, she did not have access to anatomy studies or drawing from life. It is said that for this reason she focused on a type of portraiture with sitters in informal domestic settings instead of undertaking large-scale paintings with complex compositions. As lady-in-waiting to the Queen of Spain, Elizabeth of Valois, Sofonisba had the opportunity to paint formal court portraits. After her first husband´s death, she remarried and moved to Genoa and finally to Palermo in Sicily where she retired and received in 1623 a famous visit by the Flemish painter Van Dyck.
“Re-situating” myself
Alone in your studio, guided by your intuition, stop, sit down, with your notes in hand, your mindmap on the wall, to gather a feel for the next avenues. I suggest you take a few days to write down a first draft of an artistic statement. It will put some order into your thoughts so as to better clarify them. Be warned, however, that this will not be your final statement, as others will follow.
Set parameters: no more than 500 words, write a seductive title, an incipit (very first line) that hooks; write in the active form. Watch out for repetition and tautology! The more honest you are with yourself, the easier it will be to write this text. The more you hesitate to let go with your art, the harder it will be.