The Australian File
From: Jenny Tuck, Proprietor Splashout Studios Art School in Adelaide, South Australia.
Gidday mates ! It is nearly here . . . Kangaroos, Beavers & Gorgonzola. The latest in a long line of icscis/walkthearts extravaganzas. Eight of our Ozzie artists painted and experienced delights, icscis style, in Tuscany, Italy 2009. The group had a truly wonderful time and when the invitation came to exhibit in Ottawa, we were all surprised and extremely delighted. They obviously painted well.
Yves, the instructor, also invited our Krystyna Ciesiokiewicz to exhibit. Krystyna is a professional artist and Coach / Proprietor of Splashout Studios Art School, where the eight artists study.
‘’There are nine small Ozzie paintings in ‘Kangaroos, Beavers & Gorgonzola’. A bird’s eye preview we include for you today. Much focussed preparation and feeling has gone into this project, which we are proud to be a part of. We have invited the Australian High Commissioner, Justin Brown, to formally open the event on our behalf and the Ozzie media are taking a keen interest in what is happening there in Ottawa on March 5,’’ says Krystyna.
Krystyna and I congratulate Yves Larocque for putting this together; it is a unique art collaboration, bringing together Canada, Australia and Italy in an expression of joy, love and colour, for the entire world to see. With the aid of Internet, the world will see these gorgeous works and what a marvellous opportunity that is for all.
Without events such as these, some art would stay fairly local and relatively unseen, however because Yves has dreamt up Kangaroos, Beavers & Gorgonzola, here we are sharing with the world a few of our Ozzie / Canadian / Italian Art achievements. We plan to return the compliment here in Oz soon ! Watch this space !
Thank you Yves and congratulations to all participants. Enjoy the opening night; look after our Ozzie Ambassador and our representatives Suzy and John Tilley, all the way from Adelaide, Australia. We look forward to seeing you all on the live web camera link; we shall be having a champagne breakfast here in the sun, as you sip cocktails in the freezing temps of Ottawa. BRRRRR! Au revoir mes amis!