Great late afternoon yesterday! We had lots, of fun. The three hours went so fast. Karin is carrying on with her incredible series of paintings; Isobel and Gerry are traveling; our lawyer/artist Lise sold seven paintings; Olga waiting for September for going back to painting at the OSA; and Linda still paints.
“Re-situating” myself
Alone in your studio, guided by your intuition, stop, sit down, with your notes in hand, your mindmap on the wall, to gather a feel for the next avenues. I suggest you take a few days to write down a first draft of an artistic statement. It will put some order into your thoughts so as to better clarify them. Be warned, however, that this will not be your final statement, as others will follow.
Set parameters: no more than 500 words, write a seductive title, an incipit (very first line) that hooks; write in the active form. Watch out for repetition and tautology! The more honest you are with yourself, the easier it will be to write this text. The more you hesitate to let go with your art, the harder it will be.
Good morning all,
An evening with you “team” is always fun, sorry we missed the Walkthearts night out this time around! 8-]
Keep my name on the list for next one.