by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Feb 9, 2015 | Art | Religion | Theory
Determination, resilience, passion and openness. Last week, I had a very interesting exchange with another Word Press blogger. In a positive way, I tried to respond to the negativism that he entertained toward the art establishment. His speech reminded me the...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jan 27, 2015 | Art History, General
Painting the landscape with Mr. Turner It is with the art historian enthusiasm that I purchased my ticket to see Mike Leigh’s latest movie Mr. Turner. Should it be a movie to be mandatory seen by my students, or my artists attending our painting art classes in Italy...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jan 13, 2015 | En français, Inspiration |Thoughts
L’art de la Décennie des Lumières 2015-2025 L’année 2014 a été certes une qui sera bien rappelée par l’histoire. Que de guerres, que d’occupation illégitime, que de barbarie; que de pleurs, que de souffrance; que d’obscurantisme. Quoi écrire à ce moment? Je ne...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jan 11, 2015 | Inspiration |Thoughts, Painting
Be an artist of the Second Enlightment! 2014 was certainly a year that will be well remembered by history. So many wars, so many illegitimate occupations, so much barbarism; so many tears, so much pain; such deep obscurantism. What can I write in this post? I do not...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Dec 9, 2014 | Art History, Inspiration |Thoughts
Jack Bush and Walk the Arts’ classes In Canada’s capital, Ottawa, there is a fantastic exhibit on Jack Bush (1909-1977), undoubtedly the most important English Canadian painter— Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923-2002) being the most important one in French Canada. Dr....