by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Sep 30, 2017 | art classes Italy France, art retreat, Art workshops, Painting | plein air, painting workshops Italy France
Painting in Tuscany, Italy More and more travellers from the developed world are looking for meaningful travels. We are aiming for journeys that allow us to learn something new, to deepen our culture, to enhance our lives. Purpose, inspiration and self-discovery are...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Apr 19, 2017 | General, Painting, Painting | plein air
The future of artists, being art-algorithm-makers. A few hours ago, I gave a talk to a group of artists of the Detroit region. I did not “knock” them out, nor “convert” them (as some Studio Italia friends from the area suggested), but just shared one of my concerns...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Mar 4, 2017 | Art | Religion | Theory, Art History, General, Painting | plein air
The importance of a strong concept I finally have time to come back to my chronicle How I see Art. During the past two months, Walk the Arts has been involved in various art projects on three continents, the reason for our silence. It is time now to talk about the...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jan 3, 2017 | General, Inspiration |Thoughts
Peace in Colombia Not even a year ago, I gave a talk on peace entitled “The Algorithm of Peace”. In a nutshell, I Googled the words “peace” and “war” and reflected on the resulting images. I arrived to a few interesting conclusions, the most important being that in...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Dec 19, 2016 | Art History, General
The curator, the artists’ co-worker To visit a major contemporary art exhibition today is like attending a series of very short spectacles comprising visually striking performances or displays. This search of visual impact in contemporary art is making major...