by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Oct 2, 2015 | Art | Religion | Theory
« The Message is the Message » The other day, while giving a lecture to my students in an important North American museum, I said that if they wanted to be successful artists, knowledge is key and, of course, I quote the eternal quote “knowledge is power”. Information...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Sep 10, 2015 | Art | Religion | Theory
“When something becomes useful, it ceases to be beautiful” (T. Gautier) Undoubtedly we are living very interesting times greatly due to digitalization and the expansion of mass media and social media. Beside the interesting GOP race going on in the U.S.A. and the...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jul 22, 2015 | Art | Religion | Theory
Returning from Studio Italia Just arriving from Rome and Florence with a group of young American students from California. After our visits to the Uffizi, Santa Croce and Santa Maria Novella, did anyone faint? No! Did anyone have tachycardia? No! Any confusion? No! In...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Feb 9, 2015 | Art | Religion | Theory
Determination, resilience, passion and openness. Last week, I had a very interesting exchange with another Word Press blogger. In a positive way, I tried to respond to the negativism that he entertained toward the art establishment. His speech reminded me the...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Feb 15, 2013 | Art | Religion | Theory, Inspiration |Thoughts
Perspective Drawing Workshop in Colombia > The View-Point The view-point is where you look at. It is always situated on the Horizon Line. It never leaves it; it is glued there. When the horizon line goes up, as well the view-point. The same applies when the...