by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jan 1, 2020 | art classes Italy France, En français, Inspiration |Thoughts, Painting | plein air
Above >Two paintings by Wassily Kandinsky showing that every day he tried to achieve a better understanding of the world in which he was participating. Scroll down for French and Spanish translations. Défilez vers le bas pour les traductions en français et en...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jan 13, 2015 | En français, Inspiration |Thoughts
L’art de la Décennie des Lumières 2015-2025 L’année 2014 a été certes une qui sera bien rappelée par l’histoire. Que de guerres, que d’occupation illégitime, que de barbarie; que de pleurs, que de souffrance; que d’obscurantisme. Quoi écrire à ce moment? Je ne...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Apr 5, 2012 | En français, General, Inspiration |Thoughts, Painting
To all icscis/walkthearts friends in the Ottawa Region Join us next Thursday April 12 for drinks at Mambo Nuevo Latino (77 Clarence Street) starting at 5:00 p.m. As you know icscis nights are very informal and open to everyone. So feel free to arrive with your...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jul 27, 2011 | Art History, En français, Food | Cooking, General, Painting
Our last day together in Provence: crit, group show and farewell supper by Raymonde Béland Nous voilà, c’est déjà la dernière journée, demain nous plierons bagage et repartirons tous chacun vers nos prochaines destinations. Le matin après le petit déjeuner....
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jul 11, 2011 | Art History, En français, Food | Cooking, General, Inspiration |Thoughts, Painting
Pilgrimage to Cézanne’s home, workshop, and mountain by Callie Archer We painted Mont Sainte Victoire near Aix-en-Province under the inspiration of Yves then saw a retro of Cezannes paintings at his former home. We were in our element! A guide imbued us with...
by Yves M. Larocque (Ph.D.) | Jul 9, 2011 | En français, General, Inspiration |Thoughts
Les Gorges du Verdon By Enzo Medaglia Turquoise, placid cool waters cutting deep crags against azure skies. Sailors, painters, explorers entering deep crevices lingering with delicate fingers on the cool liquid we were adrift on. Young men, bravados, diving from...