Art, G20, food

Just came back from Toronto where we attended the conference by the Independent Art Media OnFire, which was in fact very interesting. We would like to underline the keynote closing address by the artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer who talked about his interest in creating...

Alberti in the kitchen!

Alberti, Leon Battista   (1404-1472), born in Genoa. One of the first Renaissance humanists, Alberti excelled as an architect, sculptor, painter, art theorist and writer. He wrote on a wide variety of subjects, including painting (Della Pittura), architecture (De re...

Time for a Caprese Salad

Today, 33 degrees in Ottawa (Canada), 32 in Barranquilla (Colombia), only 27 in New York (USA); definitely time for a Caprese Salad! For 5 persons (with a nice appetite) Ingredients 1 small romaine lettuce (optional), but good when you are hungry! 5 large beautiful...
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