Welcome Amanda!
We are proud to announce that Amanda Garreau is our new intern at icscis/walkthearts. She will replace Claudia Gutiérrez who unfortunately had to leave. Amanda will take care of the logistics of our Alumini show on March 5th, 2011.
“My name is Amanda Garreau, I am currently in my fourth year in Visual Arts and Art Administration at the University of Ottawa. As part of both programs I was required to do an internship and was warmly welcomed at icscis/walkthearts. Learning under Prof. Yves Larocque, I have accomplished the following projects: accomplished the last details of an art retrospective in Timmins (Ontario); did the layout of the periodical bravoart.org; helped with the grant application for the future art exhibit The Nipissing; have put together a research proposal for the upcoming Projet Vasari X project; and now helping out with the brilliant Kangaroos, Beavers et Gorgonzola exhibition. My future goal is to pursue my dreams in the arts; therefore I will carry on my studies in doing a Master degree in Art History at the Université de Montreal.”
Bonne chance Amanda dans tes beaux projets et je suis certaine que tu profiteras bien de ton expérience avec Yves et Monica. J’ai reçu ma peinture encadrée et je la fais parvenir d’ici la fin de semaine….
Joyeuses Fêtes!