Walk the Arts' Blog

Living Through the Arts
art, ideas, education, painting workshops, art history, food…
“On Painting” by Gilles Deleuze

“On Painting” by Gilles Deleuze


A blank canvas is a space brimming with possibilities—“a painting to be made,” as Cézanne wrote. It is what Deleuze calls the “catastrophe”—nothing can be seen, yet everything is there as if one were trapped in the eye of a storm. And from this catastrophe, one must find a way out: the very first stroke, a scribble, clichés to be destroyed, “forms that fade away”; erasing, starting over; “the hand, freed from the eye, runs wild,” and then—there! “The color rises,” and so on until the final work emerges.

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Let Go! The Artist’s Way of Cooking


Ten years ago, here in Tuscany, we decided to write a recipe book but with so many good cookbooks in the market, we needed to propose a new idea. We had to find a modus operandi close to who we are and what we do as visual artists. The answer was in front of us and painting gave it to us: art and color!

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Travelling with meaning : a painting workshop in Italy

Travelling with meaning : a painting workshop in Italy


More and more travellers from the developed world are looking for meaningful travels. We are aiming for journeys that allow us to learn something new, to deepen our culture, to enhance our lives. Purpose, inspiration and self-discovery are now vital elements in our traveling choices. Probably, this is why our quality painting workshops offered since 1997, have become more and more popular.

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Traveling after COVID-19.

Traveling after COVID-19.


At Walk the Arts we aim to surpass easily-found knowledge on YouTube such as how “to mix your greens”, even “how to paint an Italian landscape”; and if you can learn the latter in a video, why attending a painting workshop in Tuscany? This reality has encouraged us to become a conduit of art knowledge, not a mere repeater of it.

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The bastard of Marcel Duchamp: Contemporary Art

The bastard of Marcel Duchamp: Contemporary Art


In short, I could go on and on to recount Madame Sourgins’ whiny whims, but it is time to conclude. She is accurate to write that the pleasures of culture are “delayed joys” which require cultural awareness and some knowledge. Visual arts, like all cultural expressions, reflect the society and the times in which we live. Walk the Arts’ artists are aware of what is being done in the field of contemporary art, good or bad. It is up to them to choose whether or not to venture into the contemporary department. But it is important to acknowledge that there is no turning back. Contemporary art is here to stay.  

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COVID-19 and Your Art

COVID-19 and Your Art


Let’s see this pandemic as a propitious time to quit this whirlwind of vanity and consumerism. […] In our studio, at our easel or our desk, the time is right for deepening personal truths, so essential for future artistic endeavors. The time is favorable for revamping our own publications including our artistic statements and websites. The time is appropriate to devote ourselves to serious art readings. In brief, a time to search, a time to find a new equilibrium.

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Art, You and 2020

Art, You and 2020


How can I become a better artist in 2020? How can I take my art up a notch, only a single notch? It may be landscape painting, abstraction, modern or contemporary art.[…] How can I increase my artistic knowledge during 2020, so my art becomes more particular, more distinguishable, more authentic, more profound? For 2020, I will try my best to accomplish the following list…

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The Post-Coitus Works of Art

The Post-Coitus Works of Art


We agree that a completed work can bring a great sense of boredom, even disappointment, or a sense of euphoria that encourages pursuing a career as an artist. We have a choice; “Well done! What do I paint now as my next subject? Or “WOW! How can I push this canvas so it becomes better and more complex in the reflection of my time and my life?”

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Who are we?

We all make art! It is part of culture. It is deeply rooted in human nature as a way of communicating with others. We all need to tell our stories because it is stories that link us all. We are all one, one creative mind! Though, all unique and equipped with unique ways of expressing ourselves. We live in constant search of that unique liberating voice. At Walk the Arts we aim to facilitate our art makers to explore new territories. Our painting classes and art history trips on three continents are meant to be rounded art experiences among small groups of like-minded adults. We offer an environment that fosters creativity. As we always say, art as religion is just a matter of faith. This blog is about living fully the experience of art, about finding our single artistic path, about the joy of art-making. We believe that making art accessible to all will lead to a betterment of our society.


Contact Us! North America and Europe

We are located in Canada, Italia, France, and Colombia. (800) 611-4789 or (819) 457-1892 (New York Time) info@walkthearts.com

Since 1997 Walk the Arts (icscis inc.) has been offering top quality painting workshops, art classes, and art history tours in Italy, France, Colombia, Spain, and the United States.

© 2021 Walk the Arts

Call Us

(800) 611-4789 (EST from North America)
(819) 457-1892 (from the World)



Prof. Yves M. Larocque in front of a view of the Val d'Orcia getting ready for an art class in Italy

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