Walk the Arts' Blog
Living Through the ArtsCopying, imitating. Are you sleep walking?
As Márquez states “the more we become one with the crowd, the more we become no one” […] Therefore, when you paint, are you creating or imitating? Or simply sleepwalking…
Piero della Francesca’s Flagellation. Another First Time with Walk the Arts
…we would like to share another first: the wood panel on which was painted The Flagellation of Christ by Piero della Francesca.
The Stendhal syndrome! To Apostatize or not ?
…Christian as I am in the conundrum of the current international situation, I really felt that I could not apostatize while walking in the streets of anciant Rome…
Art and Medicine
On the surface, science and art seem like such polar opposites. Digging deeper, there are so many interconnections between the two, and this is so apparent in Medicine.
The back of the Dying Niobid
A Première on the Internet Every year, during my Survey I Art history class I devote a week to Greek Art. One of the slide is of course The Dying Niobid a beautiful Greek classical sculpture done around 440 B.C.E. This is the usual slide that all the art history...
First Nations, Aborigines, American Indians.
Art: “navel-gazerism” of the G20 countries The college Winter semester is over in North America. My corrections are done. I would like to share with you all one of the questions of my Canadian Art History exam. In a nutshell, the students had to compare Canada’s...
After your painting workshop
It always comes to a matter of choice When you return home after one of our painting workshops in Italy or France, it is up to you to carry on with all the instruction that you received. During our 10-day art course, you will receive lots of tips on painting and lots...
Always looking for something new
My favorite painting? Some of you may ask, "Yves who is your favorite painter… and your favorite painting?" I have many. But today, my answer would be Pontormo and his famous Deposition. I do not know why. I just feel intensely in front of this work. It must be the...
Is it a moral obligation to return foreign artifacts to their place of origin?
The Ishtar Gate in Berlin Yesterday on the news, I refused to watch the whole video of ISIS members ransacking and sledgehammering priceless Mesopotamian artifacts in Mosul. It was simply too much. A few days ago, more than 100,000 books and manuscripts were burnt,...
The Art Establishment is here to stay.
Determination, resilience, passion and openness. Last week, I had a very interesting exchange with another Word Press blogger. In a positive way, I tried to respond to the negativism that he entertained toward the art establishment. His speech reminded me the...
Since 1997 Walk the Arts (icscis inc.) has been offering top quality painting workshops, art classes, and art history tours in Italy, France, Colombia, Spain, and the United States.
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